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US Political Protests, Inflation And Rising Bond Yields

Dr Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist looks at the investment market implications of recent political protests/rioting in the US and the recent back up in bond yields.

The key points are as follows:

  • US protests are only an issue for investment markets if they significantly impact economic activity and/or the sound working of the political process.
  • Global and Australian recovery will boost bond yields and there is good reason to believe that (after yet another false ending) the now nearly 40-year super cycle decline in bond yields may be at or close to over.
  • But the end of the super cycle bond bull market is likely to be gradual and so shares and real assets are likely to still see some benefit from a search for yield.

Read the full article here >>

Download pdf copy: Oliver’s Insights: US political protests, inflation and rising bond yields

If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised by Dr Oliver, please call on +61 07 5610 1915.

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