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Boosting Superannuation: How Teachers Can Maximise Super in the Last Decade of Teaching

Boosting Teachers Superannuation

As teachers approach the crucial last decade of their careers, the focus often shifts towards retirement planning and the pivotal role of superannuation in securing a comfortable future. This period represents a golden opportunity to substantially boost superannuation for teachers, making strategic decisions that can significantly impact the quality of life in retirement.

Understanding how to navigate the complexities of superannuation, from salary sacrificing and government co-contributions to optimising investment options and more, is essential.

This article aims to guide education professionals on a clear path to maximise their super before retirement, offering practical advice and strategies tailored to the unique needs of teaching professionals. With the right approach, the final years leading up to retirement can be transformed into a powerful phase of financial growth and security.

Understanding the Basics of Superannuation for Teachers

Superannuation is a cornerstone of retirement planning in Australia, designed to provide individuals with a financial foundation in their golden years. For teachers, understanding the nuances of superannuation is critical, especially when considering the unique opportunities and challenges within the education sector.

At its core, superannuation is a way of saving for retirement that is partly compulsory. Employers must contribute a minimum percentage (currently 11% as of the 2023–2024 financial year) of an employee’s earnings into a super fund. However, the power of super extends far beyond these employer contributions. Additional contributions can significantly enhance retirement outcomes for teachers, especially those in the last decade of their teaching career.

Starting early with additional super contributions can compound over time, leading to a more comfortable retirement. Yet, it’s never too late to boost your super. Focusing on strategies to maximise your super in the final years of teaching is particularly beneficial for educators nearing retirement. The Moreton Group understands the specific needs of teachers and offers tailored advice to make the most of these crucial years.

Salary Sacrificing to Boost Super

One effective strategy for teachers to increase their superannuation savings is through salary sacrificing. This involves agreeing with your employer to forego a portion of your pre-tax salary in exchange for additional super contributions. The benefit of this approach lies in its tax efficiency. Since super contributions are taxed at a concessional rate of 15% (for incomes up to $250,000), this can be significantly lower than your marginal tax rate, thus reducing your overall taxable income while boosting your super savings.

Salary sacrificing is a smart way to grow your super and an effective method to reduce your taxable income. It’s a win-win situation for teachers aiming for a financially secure retirement. Our retirement planners can provide personalised advice on how to set up a salary sacrificing arrangement that aligns with your retirement goals and financial situation.

Leveraging Government Co-contributions

Another avenue to boost superannuation for teachers is through the government’s co-contribution scheme. This initiative is designed to help low to middle-income earners save for retirement by matching eligible personal (after-tax) super contributions with a government co-contribution of up to $500.

To take advantage of this scheme, you must meet certain criteria, such as earning below a specific income threshold and making personal after-tax contributions to your super. The exact amount of the government co-contribution depends on your income and how much you contribute, but leveraging this opportunity can significantly enhance your super balance over time.

Understanding and utilising the co-contribution scheme represents a straightforward way to boost superannuation savings for teachers. The Moreton Group is committed to guiding educators through the process, ensuring you can maximise your eligibility and the benefits received.

Strategies for Consolidating Super Accounts

In the diverse landscape of Australia’s superannuation system, it’s not uncommon for individuals to accumulate multiple super accounts over their careers. While having several accounts might seem harmless, it can lead to diminished returns due to the cumulative effect of fees and insurance premiums. For teachers, ensuring every dollar in their super works as hard as they do is paramount.

Consolidating your super accounts can significantly reduce unnecessary fees and enhance the growth potential of your retirement savings. Consolidating super accounts could save thousands of dollars in duplicate fees and insurance over a lifetime. This is particularly crucial for teachers looking to maximise their retirement savings.

To consolidate safely and efficiently, follow these steps:

  1. Identify all your super accounts: Use the ATO’s MyGov service to view all your super accounts, including any you may have forgotten.
  2. Choose the right fund for you: Consider factors such as performance, fees, insurance coverage, and investment options. It’s crucial to select a fund that aligns with your retirement goals and values. (refer to our article, “Navigating Superannuation Choices for Teachers“)
  3. Initiate the consolidation process: Most funds offer an online process to consolidate your super accounts directly through their website or via the ATO’s MyGov portal.

By taking control and consolidating your super, you’re not just simplifying your finances; you’re actively enhancing your future financial security.

Investment Option Optimisation

As retirement approaches, it becomes increasingly important for teachers to ensure their super investment options are meticulously aligned with their retirement goals and risk tolerance. The investment strategy that suited you in your early career may not be the best fit as you near retirement.

Reviewing and possibly adjusting your investment options within your super can significantly impact your retirement savings. For instance, shifting towards more conservative investment options can protect your savings from market volatility as you near retirement. Conversely, if your risk tolerance and time horizon allow, maintaining some level of growth-oriented investments can help combat inflation and increase your super balance.

We advise teachers to review their investment options regularly. This proactive approach ensures your super always aligns with your current needs and future aspirations.

Regular Contribution Increases

Another great way to boost superannuation for teachers is through regular contribution increases. Small, incremental increases in your contributions can have a profound compounding effect over time, significantly enhancing your retirement savings.

One strategy to consider is automatic escalation, where you commit to increasing your contributions in line with salary increases. This method allows you to gradually raise your super contributions without impacting your day-to-day financial comfort. Even a 1% increase in super contributions can substantially affect your retirement outcome.

Regularly reviewing and increasing your super contributions ensures your retirement savings momentum continues to build. It’s a simple yet effective strategy to secure a more comfortable and financially stable retirement.

Planning for the Transition to Retirement (TTR)

Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategies represent a significant opportunity for older Australian educators, providing a flexible pathway towards retirement. TTR strategies allow you to access part of your superannuation while you’re still working, offering two primary benefits: the ability to reduce your working hours without sacrificing income or the chance to boost your superannuation savings as you approach retirement. This approach is especially beneficial in the last decade of your career, a period that is crucial for maximising your retirement nest egg.

For instance, by accessing a portion of your super through a TTR pension while continuing to work full-time, you can increase your super contributions through salary sacrifice. This reduces your taxable income and significantly boosts your super balance, leveraging the power of compound interest in those final working years. Alternatively, if you’re looking to ease into retirement gradually, TTR strategies can provide the financial flexibility to reduce your work hours without impacting your lifestyle, maintaining a steady income through a combination of part-time wages and superannuation withdrawals.

Seeking Professional Advice

Navigating the complexities of TTR strategies and other retirement planning options underscores the value of professional advice tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of teachers. The Moreton Group stands ready to provide this guidance. Our retirement planning advisers and financial planners specialise in crafting strategies that align with your individual goals, ensuring you make the most of your superannuation and confidently approach retirement.

Consulting with our experts can illuminate paths and opportunities you might not have considered, from optimising your investment options to increasing your contributions strategically. Our advice is grounded in a thorough understanding of Australian regulations and practices, ensuring that your retirement planning is compliant and optimised for the best possible outcome.


As you approach the pivotal last decade before retirement, the decisions you make now can significantly shape your financial future. This period is your golden opportunity to maximise your superannuation savings, making informed choices to ensure a comfortable and secure retirement. Strategies such as Transition to Retirement offer valuable options for boosting your super or transitioning smoothly into retirement on your terms.

We urge all educators to take proactive steps towards securing their financial future. Engaging with The Moreton Group for specialised superannuation advice can provide you with tailored strategies that reflect your personal circumstances, goals, and aspirations. Our commitment is to guide you through every step of this journey, ensuring that when the time comes to retire, you do so with peace of mind and financial security. Remember, the path to a rewarding retirement is navigated with informed decisions and strategic planning—let The Moreton Group be your trusted partner in this journey.

Contact us today to learn how we can help boost your super savings and achieve your retirement goals. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we look forward to supporting you on your journey towards a fulfilling retirement.

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